Kaedehara Kazuha’s Best Team Comp Guide

Are you looking for the best team comp for Kazuha? Well, you’re in the right place.

Kazuha’s core skill set shines when he’s supporting other characters in your team. However, he can also become a viable main DPS once you unlock his 6th constellation.

But as you know, getting him to his max constellation costs a LOT of real-world money. So it’s only natural that the vast majority of players will have him below constellation 6. 

Therefore, in this guide, we’ll deviate a little from our usual format of team comp guide.

We’ll take a look at the characters that he can best work with as a support, and then we’ll go over some of Kazuha’s best team comp as main DPS and at constellation level 6.

Check out my other article about Kazuha’s best support build if you want a more comprehensive guide about the topic.

I also recommend checking out Kazuha’s overview analysis post to know more about his talent description, ascension materials and damage scaling.

What Makes Kaedehara Kazuha a Great Support?

Kaedehara kazuha close up image while attacking.

There are already a lot of great Anemo support characters in the game. Therefore, it’s essential to know the value Kazuha can bring so you can make an informed decision if he is worth adding to your team.

Here are a couple of reasons why you want to add Kazuha to your existing team comp:

  • Kazuha can increase the elemental damage bonus of both your main or sub DPS.

  • As an Anemo character, Kazuha can take advantage of the 4-piece Viridescent Venerer.

    This artifact will reduce the enemy’s elemental resistance every time he triggers a Swirl reaction.

  • When done right, his elemental skill effectively controls the crowd and makes it easier to hit multiple opponents at once.

  • His elemental burst can stay on the field even if you switch him out.

    This behavior increases your party’s overall DPS as you can use the character with the highest base attack (i.e., your main DPS) while his burst simultaneously does extra damage.

  • His elemental burst can also do continuous Swirl damage, which synergizes well with a high Elemental Mastery support build.

    The same is true with his elemental skill.

  • He’s one of the few characters that synergizes well with the  Freedom-Sworn 5-star weapon.

    The effect of this Sword can significantly increase the damage dealt by your main DPS.

    That is, of course, if you’re lucky enough to get it.

  • Kazuha can further increase other characters’ damage by boosting their Elemental Mastery if you have his 2nd constellation unlocked.

    Now that Mihoyo decided to improve the value of Elemental Mastery, damage through elemental reactions has been significantly boosted.

What Characters Works Best With Kaedehara Kazuha?

Kazuha having a casual talk with beidou.

Kazuha can support pretty much any characters or team comp that utilizes any form of elemental reactions.

The reason is partly due to the effects of the 4-piece Virisdecent Venerer. But also, the elemental damage bonus he grants to his teammate is invaluable.

Ideally, you want to use Kazuha as a shredder of elemental resistance.

So you want to apply the same element of your Main or Burst DPS first before switching to Kazuha and triggering the Swirl reaction.

This will ensure that your main or burst DPS will gain a matching elemental damage bonus while the enemies get the matching elemental debuff.

If you have an enabler, you will also have time to trigger to correct elemental reaction since his buff lasts for 8 seconds. This is important for team comps that utilize the Melt or Vaporize elemental reactions as the order of elements is pretty important.

The good news is, Kazuha is a little more forgiving since the elemental bonuses can co-exist.

And don’t forget that he is currently the only character that can take full advantage of the Freedom-Sworn 5-star sword’s bonus sub-stat and effects.

Kazuha works best with these characters:

  • Hu Tao
  • Diluc
  • Klee
  • Yanfei
  • Rosaria
  • Ganyu
  • Mona
  • Tartaglia
  • Chongyun cryo build
  • Keqing electro build
  • Xiangling full EM build
  • Xingqiu support build
  • Beidou electro build

What Characters Does NOT Work Well With Kaedehara Kazuha?

Kazuha unsheathing his blade and readying for an attack.

On the other hand, Kazuha brings very little help to characters that focus more on Physical or Geo damage.

He does not synergize well with the following main DPS characters:

  • Eula
  • Razor
  • Ningguang
  • Noelle
  • Xiao
  • Xinyan
  • Fischl physical build
  • Jean physical build
  • Keqing physical build
  • Beidou physical build

How We Chose the Characters for Kaedehara Kazuha’s Team Comp as Main DPS

Kaedahara kazuha attacking a treasure hoarder.

Considering the cooldown of his elemental skill and the moderate energy cost of his elemental burst, the effects of his 6th constellation make him an excellent main DPS.

To be clear, you can build a team with him as the main DPS even without the 6th constellation.

But to make it decent, you have to go the roundabout route of making him an effective Cryo or Pyro DPS instead. 

This route deserves an entirely different post, so we won’t discuss it here. Note that even then, the team you can build won’t be as strong as using other characters that excel at being the main DPS like Xiao, Hu Tao or Tartaglia.

Anyway, unlocking constellation six will infuse Kazuha’s attack with Anemo for 5 seconds every time he unleashes his elemental skill or burst. Furthermore, the damage of his normal, charged and plunge attack gets boosted based on his elemental mastery.

However, his biggest asset is the high damage scaling of his plunging attack and slashing damage of his elemental burst.

That said, we considered the following things when we built Kazuha’s best team comp:

  • Enhance Kazuha’s Anemo damage further.
  • Maximize the party’s damage through elemental reactions.
  • Include characters that can maximize Kazuha’s elemental damage bonus to raise the DPS of the whole party.
  • Preference on characters with elemental skill or burst that stays on the field even when inactive. This is to ensure that Kazuha stays on the field more often.
  • Survivability when taking on the most challenging contents of the game.

Kaedehara Kazuha’s Best Team Comp

As always, we took a no holds barred approach for Kazuha’s best of the best team comp.

We analyzed all characters at their max constellations and concluded that this team would yield the highest DPS potential:

CharacterRoleArtifact SetPreferred Constellation Level
Kaedehara kazuha profile picture
Main DPS4-piece Viridescent VenererC6 (Required)
Ganyu profile picture
Burst DPS Support
Enabler Support
2-piece Noblesse Oblige
2-piece Blizzard Strayer
Klee profile picture
Buff Support
4-piece Crimson Witch of FlamesC6
Bennett profile picture
Heal Support
Buff Support
4-piece Noblesse ObligeC5

For this team comp, Kazuha takes on both the main DPS and debuffer role through the effects of the Venerer set.

As a result, he increases his damage by amplifying the element he Swirls. Plus, he also boosts the damage of both Klee and Ganyu through his innate supporting abilities.

While Ganyu is one of the best DPS in the game, her role on this team is only to apply the Cryo element so you can trigger the Melt reaction. Her elemental burst will serve as a considerable damage booster for both Klee and Kazuha.

On the other hand, Klee assumes the role of Sub DPS and buffer to increase Kazuha’s pyro damage through her elemental burst at C6.

But really, the big chunk of damage will come from Klee’s 4th constellation, which deals a whopping 555% damage.

Imagine triggering this effect with the Melt reaction while simultaneously under the effect of Kazuha’s elemental damage boost and 4-piece Viridescent Venerer.

Therefore, you want to target the Pyro element when triggering Swirl from Kazuha consistently.

Lastly, the ever-reliable Bennett provides an insane amount of Attack bonus, healing, and the Fervent Flames elemental resonance enabler.

The DPS potential of this team is crazy high if done right. Plus, this team is super versatile and it is relatively easy to trigger elemental reactions.


I wanted to include Jean in this lineup due to the -40 Anemo Resistance effect from her 4th constellation.

But due to Kazuha’s low base attack scaling, he benefits more on a boost in attack than a resistance debuff.

Kaedehara Kazuha’s High-End Team Comp

We still analyzed all characters for this team comp, but we limit ourselves to the potential of 5-star characters at 0 constellations.

Here is the 2nd best team comp for Kazuha:

CharacterRoleArtifact SetPreferred Constellation Level
Kaedehara kazuha profile picture
Main DPS4-piece Viridescent VenererC6 (Required)
Mona profile picture
Burst DPS4-piece Emblem of Severed FateC5
Diluc profile picture
Burst DPS
Enabler Support
2-piece Noblesse Oblige
2-piece Crimson Witch of Flames
Bennett profile picture
Heal Support
Buff Support
4-piece Noblesse ObligeC5

I know what you’re thinking: Diluc as support? What blasphemy is this?

But hear me out on this.

Diluc’s elemental burst has one of the lowest energy cost requirements in the game. Its damage is also pretty significant for a burst with a low energy cost.

Therefore, Diluc fits the bill of a great Burst DPS support. He’s perfect for this kind of role.

Kazuha’s role in this team comp is pretty much the same as the one earlier. He acts as the main DPS and slices through the enemy’s elemental resistance with Venerer.

For this one, you also want to Swirl the pyro element most of the time, except when you’re ready to unleash Mona’s elemental burst.

Mona’s burst has one of the highest damage scaling in the game. However, it also has a pretty high energy cost. 

So when Mona’s elemental burst is up, make sure that you Swirl the Hydro element to boost her Hydro damage and slice the enemy’s Hydro Resistance.

Also, make sure to apply a Pyro element to your target before casting Mona’s burst. This action will ensure that you’ll trigger Vaporize (x2 damage) instead of the Reverse-Vaporize (x1.5 damage) reaction.

Casting Diluc’s elemental bust is also an excellent follow-up to get the most out of the Stellaris Phantasm’s effect.

Lastly, Bennett’s role is unchanged for this team comp.

With the right condition, this team comp can exceed the best team. The only reason it didn’t quite make it is the difficulty of pulling off the right combo.

Kaedehara Kazuha’s Mid-Tier Team Comp

For this team comp, we completely removed any 5-star characters except for Kazuha.

This restriction can be a little counter-intuitive since if you have the money to max Kazuha’s constellation, you probably already have a couple of 5-star characters lying around.

But as you know, some 4-star characters with a couple of constellations unlocked can exceed some 5-star with no constellation.

Here is the best mid-tier team comp for Kazuha:

CharacterRoleArtifact SetPreferred Constellation Level
Kaedehara kazuha profile picture
Main DPS4-piece Viridescent VenererC6 (Required)
Rosaria profile picture
Burst DPS
Enabler Support
2-piece Noblesse Oblige
2-piece Blizzard Strayer
Xiangling profile picture
Burst DPS2-piece Noblesse Oblige
2-piece Crimson Witch of Flames
Bennett profile picture
Heal Support
Buff Support
4-piece Noblesse ObligeC5

For this team comp, both Xiangling and Kazuha can strengthen each other’s attacks.

Xiangling’s C6 increases the Pyro damage bonus, which will increase her Pyronado and Kazuha’s Pyro Swirl. 

She also benefits a lot from the bonus elemental mastery from Kazuha’s 2nd constellation.

Rosaria’s role is to enable the Melt elemental reaction.

However, she can also deal quite a lot of damage through her elemental burst. And she can also gain a lot from Kazuha’s innate supporting capabilities.

So you’re a bit freer when selecting the elements you want to Swirl than the previous team comp.

Alternatively, you can replace Rosaria with a C6 Diona if you want.

At C6, Diona actually has a better synergy with Kazuha. She can increase the whole party’s Elemental Mastery. And in turn, Kazuha’s innate ability to enhance the team’s elemental damage bonus also improves.

However, A fully equipped Rosaria can still output higher DPS despite that. Plus, it introduces less complexity overall.

Kaedehara Kazuha’s Damage Showcase Team Comp

This team comp is made for the sole purpose of increasing Kazuha’s one-hit damage.

It doesn’t take into consideration the survivability or synergy of each character.

Here’s the best team you can create to get the greatest one-hit damage:

CharacterRoleArtifact SetPreferred Constellation Level
Kaedehara kazuha profile picture
Main DPS2-piece Viridescent Venerer
2-piece Gladiator’s Finale
C6 (Required)
Zhongli profile picture
Buff Support4-piece Tenacity of MillelithAny
Jean profile picture
Buff Support4-piece Viridescent VenererC4
Bennett profile picture
Buff Support4-piece Noblesse ObligeC5

You want to utilize Kazuha’s Midare Ranzan for your damage showcase.

You can also use his elemental burst as an alternative but you also have to replace the 2-pice Gladiator’s Finale with a 2-piece Noblesse Oblige set for the maximum damage.

The hold option of Zhongli’s elemental skill will reduce the enemy’s Anemo resistance by 20%.

Jean’s elemental burst will reduce the Anemo resistance by 40% if you have her at C4.

But the majority of Kazuha’s damage boost will still come from Bennett’s elemental burst, and the 4-piece Noblesse Oblige set.

If you don’t have Jean at C4, you can replace her with Sucrose equipped with the Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers or a C6 Diona.

Honorable Mentions

There are many other good team comp combinations than we could ever hope to condense in a single blog post.

So we dedicated this section to give some alternative teams you can use that are still very good.

Alternative Team #1

CharacterRoleArtifact SetPreferred Constellation Level
Kaedehara kazuha profile picture
Main DPS4-piece Viridescent VenererC6 (Required)
Xingqiu profile picture
Burst DPS
Enabler Support
2-piece Noblesse Oblige
2-piece Heart of Depth
Xiangling profile picture
Burst DPS
Enabler Support
2-piece Noblesse Oblige
2-piece Crimson Witch of Flame
Bennett profile picture
Heal Support
Buff Support
4-piece Noblesse ObligeC5

Compared to the other team comps we’ve listed in this article, this one stays true to the definition of “Kazuha as the main DPS.”

Unlike other team combinations, Kazuha can stay on the field for most of the time with this team.

Even better, this team offers an almost infinite supply of elemental reaction through Xingqiu’s shield, which applies the Hydro element to monsters.

Plus, Xiangling’s Goba can stay on the field, allowing you to proc Pyro Swirl consistently.

But the real magic of this team is when you have all their elemental burst up. 

Xiangling and Xingqiu can trigger the Vaporize and Reverse Vaporize reaction like crazy, using their elemental burst.

All that while Kazuha stays on the field, Swirling left and right while simultaneously increasing Xiangling and Xinqiu’s elemental damage.

And, of course, Bennett is there to elevate the team’s damage to the next level.

Alternative Team #2

CharacterRoleArtifact SetPreferred Constellation Level
Kaedehara kazuha profile picture
Main DPS2-piece Viridescent Venerer
2-piece Gladiator’s Finale
C6 (Required)
Venti profile picture
Burst DPS Support
4-piece Viridescent VenererC6
Fischl profile picture
Enabler Support4-piece Tenacity of MillelithC6
Bennett profile picture
Heal Support
Buff Support
Enabler Support
4-piece Noblesse ObligeC5

While Venti elemental burst can potentially impede Kazuha’s attack, I still find this team the most fun to use.

It’s just so much fun to trigger a galore of Overloaded elemental reactions frequently.

But the biggest asset of this team is the existence of an excellent battery for Kazuha.

This team has the highest Elemental Burst uptime from our list. And, of course, this translates to a higher overall DPS if you can unleash your elemental burst frequently.

Not to mention, this team comp also has the most incredible crowd control capabilities from all others we’ve listed.

Alternative Team #3

CharacterRoleArtifact SetPreferred Constellation Level
Kaedehara kazuha profile picture
Main DPS2-piece Viridescent Venerer
2-piece Gladiator’s Finale
C6 (Required)
Sucrose profile picture
Burst DPS Support
4-piece Viridescent VenererC6
Xiangling profile picture
Burst DPS2-piece Noblesse Oblige
2-piece Crimson Witch of Flames
Diona genshin impact profile picture
Heal Support
Buff Support
Enabler Support
4-piece Noblesse ObligeC5

This team is almost like the damage showcase team due to the crazy amount of Elemental Mastery the whole party can potentially gain.

And of course, this translates to a higher DPS potential of Kazuha himself through the effects of his 6th constellation.

And suppose you consider the effects of Sucrose’s 6th constellation and the impact of the 4-piece Viridescent Venerer. In that case, this team can surpass any other teams if we’re only looking at the elemental reaction damage.

Plus, it utilizes the Melt reaction, which is one of the best elemental reactions you can use in the game.

But the biggest downside of this team is the inability to trigger Melt Reaction consistently. It’s not that bad if you can get Diona an R5 Sacrificial Bow though.


Kazuha can work well with a lot of team comp combinations due to his superb supporting capabilities.

Nevertheless, he can also be an excellent main DPS with the right teammates and a pretty expensive 6th constellation.

But remember, the most important thing is that you enjoy the game. So if you want to give Kazuha the seat of the main DPS, don’t let us stop you from doing so.

We’re curious how your Kazuha team comp looks. Please let us know in the comments!

2 thoughts on “Kaedehara Kazuha’s Best Team Comp Guide”

  1. Great guide.
    I have few questions :
    1) Why Klee is not on (best characters to use with kazuha)
    2) In what order we use the teams presented in your screen shots?? i think is critical for a guide to show the rotation as well. Like who ults first/etc.

    • Hi Alexandru,

      Thanks for stopping by and great questions.

      For the first question, I’m actually still in the middle of testing all characters’ playstyles with Kazuha’s support playstyle, I have added the first few characters that I initially tested so Klee was not initially included.

      But I just added a couple more and Klee is among them. I admit that we should’ve included Klee in the first batch though since she obviously works really well with Kazuha.

      Just so you know, this guide will be continuously updated as new characters get introduced and we might even remove some characters in the future.

      As for the teams presented with Kazuha as the main DPS, the rotation is not as important for the most part, because Kazuha can grant multiple elemental damage bonuses.

      Plus, the idea is to maximize Kazuha’s damage as the main DPS, so the most important thing is really to have Kazuha trigger Swirl consistently and make the most out of the Midare Ranzan special effect.

      We made sure that most characters included in the teams have an elemental skill or burst that stays on the field even if they get switched out. This is to take away some of the complexities when switching and take advantage of Kazuha’s ability to grant multiple elemental damage bonuses.

      So just have to make sure you’re triggering Swirl with Kazuha consistently and your own preferred rotation will naturally raise the party’s DPS intuitively.

      The exception for this is the best team comp that included Klee and the high-end team comp that included Mona. We included some hints of when to Swirl which elements on the guide but I can see the need of showing the proper rotation for that.

      We’ll be updating the guide for those two. We appreciate the feedback and thanks for pointing that out!


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